What was your earliest ambition?
I wanted to be a detective. It was an aspiration drawn from my two favourite storybook characters – Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew.
What kind of education did you have when you were growing up?
For the most part of my early school days, I attended school in Montreal, Canada. Then continued my studies in Malaysia before pursuing my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in UK. Later, I went to Australia to embark on one of my most exciting journeys – PhD. It was during this time that my love with Islamic finance blossomed.
Who was your mentor?
My dad. He is a prime example that having passion, ambition and desire to achieve something are the driving forces of success.
Please tell us about your book on Islamic finance, which has been published in English, Russian and Mandarin.
The English version of the book was first published in 2009. After it became one of the top-selling books in Islamic finance it was translated into Russian and, recently, Mandarin.
Ambition or talent: which matters more to success?
I believe ambition is more important than talent, because the latter can be replaced to a large extent by hard work, whereas the former is a prerequisite for everything.
Do you think Islamic banking and finance is providing a platform to women to professionally grow?
In recent years, we have seen women rising in the Islamic banking and finance industry but it is in Malaysia that women have made significant inroads with Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Governor Bank Negara Malaysia, leading the pack. We are now seeing greater participation of women across all aspects of the sector and ranks as regulators, Shari’a advisors, bank chief executives, lawyers, etc.
Your must wanted possession?
My book of course! That is my treasure and something that is a legacy for my kids and maybe an inspiration for others.
In what place are you happiest?
Any place, as long as I am with my family and there is internet connection!
Your career has so far evolved around academia and research. Do you think you will one day take a plunge into the hardcore practice of Islamic banking and finance?
I started my career as an academic, which later evolved into more strategic and advisory roles. Now as Head of Strategy and Policy Development, I am taking a far more greater role, beyond purely research. I have always been involved in Islamic banking and finance and will continue to contribute and support the industry’s development.
What drives you?
What drives and excites me is having the opportunity to learn, engage and grow with new ideas and great people. If I’m not learning in one area then I move onto an area where I can learn.
What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?
To have a book in 3 languages and, recently, be awarded the “Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance 2012” at the Global Islamic Finance Awards 2012.
What has been your greatest disappointment?
Alhamdulillah, my life has been blessed.
If your 20-year-old self could see you now, what would she think?
You go girl!
If you had to rate your satisfaction with your life so far, out of 10, what would you score?
Definitely a 10! No regrets and always thankful